Tuesday 22 December 2015

How to Gain Big Muscles

Muscle building is directly beneficial to both mental and physical health. Health studies have proved that fit people live prosperous and long life as compared to weak or overweight people. Almost every man wants to build strong muscles to impress his surroundings. But everyone can’t achieve muscle goals because they don’t know how to gain healthy muscles and strength. In this short muscle informative article, we will share effective tips that will surely help in achieving strong muscles.

Usually winter is known for improving muscle mass in bodybuilding. Eating lots of carbs, proteins and fat stimulate muscle mass growth effectively. Diet plays vital role to increase energy levels that allow you to work harder and longer. So it means diet is directly effective on workouts. Protein rich foods are ideal for muscle building. For example if you are weighing 155 pounds then you must eat same amount of protein. It is protein that builds muscle and improves body strength. Healthy fats are also important because our body use them as fuel for physical activities. Therefore, you have to consume adequate amount of fat for muscle building. In the absence of carbs, body use protein as a energy source which results in muscle loss.

Rest is another most important but neglected aspect of bodybuilding. After exhausting routine, naturally everyone wants to take some rest. After performing workouts, muscle needs rest to recover and repair. You can’t run anything over its capacity then how can you continuously perform workouts without resting? Sleep and rest between workouts are two different types of rest. 3 to 5 minutes rest between workouts helps your muscles tissues to repair and prevent you from serious injuries. A sound sleep aids your muscle to nourish properly. Growth occurs in our body while sleeping. 7 to 9 hours sleep can effectively improve your muscle mass and mode. Furthermore, sound has great effect on boosting testosterone hormones in the body.

Without weight training muscle building is impossible. But it is important to know properly about lifting weight. Many gym freaks try to life heavier weights more than their strength which results in muscle injuries which can end your muscular body dream. Start with light weights so that your muscles can adjust to it. Gradually increase the weight which in turn improves strength and muscle mass. Remember free weights are useful than weight machines. Light weights with maximum reps and heavy weights with minimum reps are recommended for best results. Short intense workouts are effective as compared to long workouts for calorie burning and getting lean muscle mass.

Saturday 19 December 2015

7 Testosterone Boosting Foods

A male hormone testosterone has numerous health benefits for every man. The hormone is naturally produced in our body. The production is at its peak when we are passing from puberty but with growing age it becomes low. Low T-level results in low sex drive, energy, strength and muscle mass. There are various ways to increase the production of testosterone in body. We will share seven testosterone boosting foods with you here.

1.    Lean Meat

Lean meat is full of protein, saturated fat, zinc and other essential nutrients. Zinc and protein are very important to increase testosterone hormone naturally. Muscle builders love to consume large amount of protein to gain big and strong muscles. Protein rich foods like lean meat are best to enhance testosterone. Saturated foods are also excellent source for stimulating testosterone production.

2.    Broccoli

Health researchers have proved that heightened estrogen levels cause accumulation of fat and thus prevent muscle growth. Broccolis contain indole-3-carbinol that cuts estradiol in half for man. Eating broccoli can effectively increase the level of testosterone in your body.

3.    Oysters

Oysters are rich in protein and zinc. Try to include oyster few times a week in your diet plan. This will not only increase testosterone but also nourish your muscle mass effectively.

4.    Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is full of low fat with adequate protein level. Eating 1% milk fat cottage cheese can help your body to produce maximum testosterone hormones.

5.    Eggs

Our body synthesizes testosterone from cholesterol. Eggs are rich in cholesterol which is good to testosterone production. Egg is used in our routine diet very commonly. Starting your day with an egg in breakfast can be very useful for T-levels. Bodybuilders eat 3 to 6 eggs in their daily diet because they are cheap and high in protein.

6.    Garlic

Garlic along with protein diet is one the best combination for boosting testosterone levels. Garlic is gifted with chemical diallyl disulfide effectively stimulates hormone production in the body.

7.    Bananas

Enzyme bromelain is present in bananas which is excellent for boosting man’s libido. Banana is also full of vitamin B such as riboflavin which is important for producing manufacturing process.

Remember these foods are ideal for increasing testosterone but it does not mean that results will be shown in one night. You have to eat consistently these foods to gain maximum benefits. Getting a fit body is tough but once you reach it then you can enjoy life to its extreme limits. Therefore selection of foods in your diet is vital and you can simply improve your energy levels, sex drive, and muscle mass, mood and strength with them.